No matter where you are in the world, there are some things you can always count on -- like a dog's unwavering loyalty.

A while male dog in Changsha city in China's Hunan province reportedly stood guard for his black female companion for 10 hours after she fell into a gutter, according to China's Red Net News.

Story continues below.

china dog guards female

Local Peng Xuemei heard the fallen dog barking in the wee hours of Monday morning and saw the male dog standing guard nearby. Upon waking in the morning, Peng found the black dog was still trapped and her friend hadn't abandoned his post.

"The white one was walking back and forth, looking at passing people and vehicles in begging eyes, while the black dog groveled at the bottom of the gutter," Peng said, according to the Daily Mail.

A community official was called to the scene to rescue the pooch, but the male dog wouldn't let him through.

Local resident Hei Ge eventually managed to gain the trust of both dogs and carry the trapped female out of the gutter. She appeared uninjured, Red Net reports, and the reunited pair ran off together.

The male dog's dedication reminds us of another pooch who wouldn't stand to be parted from his mate. Earlier this year, an Indiana mutt traveled 10 miles in the winter cold to find the female shelter dog he'd been separated from after his adoption. She was later adopted by the same family.

H/T: The Daily Mail