Story continues after photo.

hope for paws scout

Hope For Paws and the Bill Foundation have brought us several poignant stories of animal rescues. This tale, though, is about what happened AFTER the dog was rescued.

Eldad Hagar, Hope For Paws founder, and his friend Lisa Arturo, were touring the streets of L.A.'s South Central neighborhood when they came across a sweet but skittish stray. They took the dog, now named Scout, into their care and along with it, the task of finding her a permanent home.

That's when this story goes from good to great. Within a few weeks of searching for an adoptive family for Scout, the organizations struck gold with Mike Daniels, a writer and producer for the hit television series, 'Sons Of Anarchy.'

According to Annie Hart of the Bill Foundation, it was a perfect match from the very beginning.

"Mike and his wife Michaela [McManus] had recently lost one of their dogs and wanted to adopt a companion for their other dog, named Sully," Hart told HuffPost via email. "I knew just from reviewing [their application], something magical was going to occur through this adoption."

Once Scout and Daniels met in person, Hart's predictions came true.

"After her rescue, Scout was terrified of most men," she wrote, "but when she met Mike Daniels at our adoption event, she instantly crawled up into his lap fell right to sleep."

Daniels told HuffPost about his own happiness at bringing Scout into his life:

I had recently lost a Malamute Mix named Andy who had been my best friend for 11 years. When I went to look at Scout, Annie at the Bill Foundation told me she was skittish around men and not to expect her to warm up right away. I sat on the curb, the two of us made eye contact and then she just climbed into my lap, curled up and fell asleep. I think she picked up on my heartbreak and knew I would understand hers. It was enough common ground to get us started."

Scout met the rest of the family -- Daniels' wife and their other dog, Sully -- soon after, and all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place; the family was finally complete.

hope for paws scout

But the story doesn't end there. After Scout got her happy ending, the rest of the 'Sons Of Anarchy' team decided to take up Hope For Paws' and the Bill Foundation's mission of rescuing L.A.'s strays.

Hart said in her email, "A week or so after Mike and Michaela adopted Scout, I received a call from someone on Mike’s writing team. Mike had given them my number because they had found a scared, stray dog and they had taken the time to gain his trust and ultimately were able to rescue him."

The Bill Foundation took over care of the dog -- and of the next dog the SOA crew rescued a week later. The dogs were both named after two of the shows main characters, Opie and Jax.

"If Sons of Anarchy has a long run on TV and continues rescuing with us, we may end with a whole SOA cast of dogs!"

For more inspiring rescue stories, visit Hope For Paws and the Bill Foundation on Facebook.

H/T: msnNOW