In May 2012, a Baltimore police officer named Dan Waskeiwicz received a call about a vicious canine.

But when he arrived, he instead found a sad, shy pit bull with his tail between his legs. In a letter about the incident to the Modified K-9 Blog, Waskeiwicz wrote that people had also been yelling out their windows at the dog and even throwing bottles.

But Waskeiwicz knew the pit bull wasn't dangerous -- just misunderstood. The officer got out of his car, called the dog over, and gave him some water. Then, instead of calling the pound, he took the scared dog in his patrol car and later adopted him. The supposedly vicious pit bull -- now called Bo -- was warmly welcomed into Waskeiwicz' home with two other dogs.

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dan waskeiwicz

Photo credit: Facebook / Baltimore Police Department

This week, more than a year after the rescue, Waskeiwicz shared his story with Rachel Ray on her morning show.

Bo has been happy, healthy and not at all vicious. He even has an adorable best friend -- Waskeiwicz' girlfriend's new corgi. Waskeiwicz describes them as "the little odd couple," and video shows the two dogs joyfully trotting around together.

All Bo really needed, it seems, was the right owner.

"I was actually looking for a dog," Waskeiwicz says on the show, "and it just turned out great that he found me."