Pup a demon dog? Not so, says foster caregiver - San Antonio Express

SAN ANTONIO — A Comal County woman is considering legal action against the New Braunfels Humane Society, claiming it unlawfully put down a puppy described on the shelter's Facebook page as suffering from “unknown demons.”

The post has since been removed.

Elaine Buchhorn rescued the dog she named “Baby George” and sheltered him for a month before surrendering him the to the Humane Society with an offer to retrieve him if he wasn't adopted. She said she was outraged to read: “the pup is now free, free from whatever unknown demons were causing the aggression,” on the social media site last week.

Buchhorn said Tuesday night that she might file a lawsuit against the shelter's board of directors, claiming they violated a section of the Texas Penal Code, which requires them to provide necessary food, water, care or shelter for an animal in the person's custody, among other alleged violations.

Her son found the 11-week-old Dachshund-Chihuahua mix near his apartment and took it to his mother, who has rescued animals before.

Buchhorn, who owns two dogs, said she took the puppy to the vet to make sure it was safe to be around her dogs and her 2-year-old granddaughter. “He was very socialized,” she said.

The shelter's executive director Billie Zercher said the puppy was aggressive. “It tried to bite two of our employees on two different occasions,” Zercher said.

Buchhorn took Baby George to the New Braunfels Humane Society on Oct. 11, because she is only allowed two dogs at her residence, and gave the staff a directive.

“I said, 'Before you try to euthanize this dog, I will appreciate a call because I'll take the puppy back and try to find it a home on my own,'” Buchhorn said and described calling the shelter every day to check on the dog.

“They never admitted the puppy was aggressive to me over the phone,” she said. On Oct. 14, they told her Baby George had been put down.

“They do sign a release form releasing the animal over to us and all their legal rights to the animal,” Zercher said, adding that the Humane Society will hold an animal for 24 hours before choosing to either put it up for adoption or to euthanize it. The shelter listed 45 dogs and four cats available for adoption Tuesday.

“Our shelter policy is that we cannot put up an animal for adoption that has shown aggression,” Zercher said.

Patrick Greene of San Antonio filed a complaint Tuesday with the New Braunfels police and requested an investigation. He said he was enraged to learn from media reports that the dog was euthanized because of “demons.”

“A puppy doesn't turn at 11 weeks old,” said Greene, a lifelong dog owner. “He hasn't turned into anything because he is still becoming a dog. He is still playing. If he does get a little aggressive, you use a low, firm voice and say 'no.' You don't kill him.'”

Buchhorn called the ordeal “gut-wrenching,” and said she hasn't received an apology from the shelter.

“It still haunts me,” she said.“I'm living with the regret of taking him there, now.”

stressler@express-news.net, mdwilson@express-news.net

via www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Pup-a-demon-dog-Not-so-says-foster-caregiver-4917164.php
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