Blind man who fell on subway tracks gets new dog - (blog)

>>> let's begin the half hour with a "today" exclusive, a followup to a heartwarming story we told you about last month.

>> cecil williams is a blind man who fell onto the subway tracks in new york city and saved by his guide dog . after that happened, cecil says he wouldn't be able to keep his dog as a pet any longer. the dog was getting a little too old for guide dog work. thanks to the kindness of strangers, orlando will stay with him and cecil has a new guide dog , too. graduation day at guiding eyes for the blind . a small ceremony outside new york city and forego dive va, day one on the job with new owner cecil williams . this yellow lab has some pretty big paws to fill. it was williams ' old guide dog , orlando , who drew national attention.

>> who is a good dog? the answer is orlando .

>> last month williams fainted and fell off a subway platform in new york city , ending up on the tracks. orlando followed him down and huddled on top of williams . both were fine and orlando a hero.

>> orlando was like my angel. he's always been that since i got him. we work together. i protect him and he protects me.

>> at 11 years old, orlando is too old to be a working good dog and williams can no longer afford to keep him. even now the thought of giving up his loyal friends brings him to tears.

>> the spirit of good will, it exists. in the world you ski a lot of negative things. i try focus on the positive.

>> thanks to anonymous donors, williams can keep both dogs as orlando serves from protector in chief to big broth sgler after awhile orlando will learn he can put his feet up and it's godiva's turn to work.

>> i feel i was blessed with orlando and now i'm being blessed again. she's coming along to carry on where

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