Stray dogs attack woman and her dog - Chicago Tribune

A South Side woman said she and her dog were attacked by two stray dogs Monday, and neighbors say repeated complaints about the strays went unanswered by the Chicago Animal Care and Control Office.

Sallie Mowles and her dog, Vixen, routinely walk the blocks just south of Jackson Park each morning. But two dogs began tailing the pair near 68th Street and South Euclid Avenue shortly after 8 a.m. Monday, she said.

Neighbor Eric Occomy said his 7-year-old daughter saw the strays following Mowles and her dog moments before the attack.

"I knew exactly what was going on when I saw those dogs," Occomy said. He said he raced from his house with a shovel as the stray dogs pounced. "By the time I got down there, she was bleeding, there was blood on the dogs and there was blood on her."

Mowles said she was bitten as she tried to pull the dogs apart. She and Occomy were able to restrain one animal as police and fire personnel arrived. The other dog escaped but was soon cornered in a neighbor's yard.

"I knew I shouldn't have got into the melee of these dogs fighting, but they were really trying to tear her apart," Mowles said. "It was like she was a wishbone to the two of them."

Neighbors had spotted what they described as two pitbull-like dogs roaming the Jackson Park Highlands neighborhood last week, and said they contacted city animal control officials in an effort to have the dogs removed.

Occomy, for example, said he spoke with an animal control worker on Saturday and Sunday after the strays took shelter underneath his patio. Emails about the animals began circulating in the neighborhood, and Occomy said he began carrying his shovel to escort his young children and wife out the door while the dogs growled and barked below.

But calls to the city, Occomy and neighbors said, brought no result until the dogs attacked. The dogs were then removed, residents said.

Animal care and control officials did not respond to requests for comment on Tuesday.

Vixen needed about 100 stitches to repair a torn-up pair of hind legs, Mowles said, and received stitches on his face and ear. He also lost a tooth.

"This is really something that should not have happened," the 45-year-old said Tuesday.

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