County dog lovers rally in support of bills - Daily Local News

Chester County residents and their furry four-legged friends traveled to Harrisburg Tuesday to rally in support of a series of bills that call for tighter animal welfare laws.

The five-bill package was officially announced on Tuesday prior to the “Bring Your Dog to Harrisburg” rally hosted by state Sen. Andrew Dinniman, D-19th of West Whiteland, and state Sen. Rich Alloway II, R-33rd.

The proposed five laws include a bill that sets standards for tethering dogs, and one that would allow therapy dogs onto public transportation.

“This legislative package marks an important step forward for dogs, cats and other pets in Pennsylvania as we continue to work to ensure that they are treated properly, humanely and with the care and attention they deserve,” Dinniman said in a statement his office released. “We are committed to working in the spirit of bipartisanship to see these bills passed because our pets are beloved members of our family.”

Another one of the bills addresses instances in which animals are injured or killed in a domestic violence situation. The fourth prevents kennel owners who lose their license due to violations of the state’s Dog Law to continue operating by having a license issued to an immediate family member or someone who lives at the same address.

The fifth bill would allow all Dog Law fines and penalties collected to remain in the Dog Law Restricted Account to help fund the Office of Dog Law Enforcement.

Chester County residents gathered on the steps of the state Capitol with their dogs on Tuesday to voice support for the bills. Keith Pension of Willistown said bills are common sense.

“Some of these bills you think, wait a minute, hasn’t this been a law for 100 years?” Pension said. Pension attended the rally with her dachshund Hugo, who she rescued from an animal hoarder.

Steve Bazil traveled from West Vincent to the Capitol “just to show my support for Senator Dinniman’s effort to get this Pet Protection Package through the legislature,” the statement read.

Alloway added that the bills were introduced to help increase the quality of life of beloved pets.

“Pets offer their owners a never-ending stream of love and companionship that has direct impact on our mood, health and overall quality of life,” Alloway said. “The purpose of these bills is to ensure these cherished members of our families are never subjected to cruel or inhumane treatment at any stage of their lives.”

Follow staff writer Kendal Gapinski on Twitter at @KendalGapinski.

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