Dog owners horrified after neighbor beats, burns and buries pets - KTVU San Francisco


A Brentwood couple who said a man beat their two dogs to death with a shovel over the weekend before burning and burying the bodies was outraged to learn that what the man did was completely legal under California law.

The unique and unusual case of what the couple is calling animal cruelty took place recently when the couple’s dog got loose from their yard on Sunday.

The two dogs, a Rottweiler and German shepherd that pet owner Ellen Barkley rescued from a shelter ten years ago, wandered down the road to an area residence. The man who lives at that home said the two dogs were trying to attack his chickens.

The man beat the dogs with a shovel until they were dead before taking them to his place of employment and setting the bodies on fire and burying them.

Dog owner Rocky Osbourne told KTVU the man had the legal right to kill the dogs because of a California law that allows a person to do so in order to protect livestock. While Osbourne said he had no issue with the law, he said what happened to the dogs still was wrong.

"It's how he beat them. By his own admission, he beat them to death with a shovel," said Osbourne. "They had tags. He could have called us. He never did."

Osbourne said the man must have let the dogs bodies burn for hours, because all that was left of the animals fit into two bread bags.

"That's my two dogs right there," said Osbourne. "He buried them and wasn't gonna tell everybody. My dogs didn't deserve to be killed like that. It's incredibly terrible."

Osbourne and Barkley only learned about what happened after a neighbor spoke out.

Because what the man who killed the dogs was within the letter of California law, it remains to be seen if there will be any repercussions for him. The couple is speaking out about trying to get the law changed.

Brentwood police and Contra Costa animal services are investigating the incident.

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