Mysterious letter is latest twist in legal fight over Phineas the dog -

A mysterious new letter indicates that Phineas, a dog at the center of a contentious legal dispute in Salem, Mo., who disappeared a week ago after being stolen from a veterinary clinic, might be alive.

The letter was received on Friday and, along with other clues, indicates that Phineas is being kept in hiding by someone who believes he or she is helping the animal, said Joe Simon, a Kirkwood attorney representing Phineas’ owners, Pat and Amber Sanders, of Salem.

Simon divulged few details surrounding the letter — how it was sent or who it was delivered to. And he declined to provide the additional information that led him and his clients to believe the purported dog-napper was perhaps telling the truth.

“We’re hoping it is true and that Phineas is safe and sound,” Simon said today.

Phineas was stolen Oct. 18 from Dr. J.J. Tune’s clinic in Salem. Police were stumped as to how someone entered the facility. There were no signs of a break-in. Nothing else was taken — no drugs, money or other animals. Just Phineas.

The yellow Labrador retriever disappeared just days before a Dent County Circuit judge listened to arguments about whether he should change his mind about supporting the July 2012 decision by Salem’s mayor that the dog needed to be euthanized. The dog’s death sentence has been on hold for more than a year. During that time, Phineas has been in the custody of authorities. Phineas was in trouble for allegedly biting a 7-year-old girl. But that incident is disputed — along with just about everything else in a case that has riled many residents and attracted nationwide attention.

Shortly after Phineas vanished, Simon said he believed there was a 95 percent chance the dog was dead. Others speculated that someone took Phineas so the animal could not be euthanized and, if the death sentence is overturned, the animal would magically reappear.

Simon said he and his clients have not turned the letter over to authorities. But, Simon said, “I’ve never encouraged anyone to break Phineas out.”

Salem’s police chief could not be immediately reached for comment.

The full text of the letter, as provided by Simon:

The letter: You’re outraged and frustrated you can’t help aren’t you? Well you can help! Your heart aches for Phineas because you care about him. And the best thing he can do is inspire you to care for our fellow earthlings as you care about him. Use that passion for good! Help the dogs on death row at the pound and kittens thrown into the river by adopting, oppose breeders, and spay/neuter. Help our cow, pig, and chicken friends hindered to slaughter by not eating them. Help the beaver drowning in a trap and coon treed by hounds by not wearing fur and leather. Help the rabbits tortured in a lab by fighting against all animal testing, and shopping cruelty free. Help one friend like Phineas every chance you get. Thanks for all you do for our fellow earthlings. And shame to the selfish. If I were on death row I wouldn’t want my fate in the hands of a judge. So Phineas is now safe and happy playing with friends.

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